Monday, December 1, 2008

The Killers: Day and Age

In the summer of 2005, when i was working at a summer camp near Scranton PA I discover the music of Jimmy Eat World, Anberlin, and The Killers. Some i thought was a load of crap, but most grew on me and they are some of my favorite now. At the time i was al about classic rock and had just recently discovered new wave and the music of the Police and U2. So lets come back to the Killers-the Killers had that sound to it. Their debut album Hot Fuss It had the big guitar sound, that i love. It had the punky music to it that made U2 popular. More imoprtatnly it had great songs. Tunes like "Mr. Brightside" and "Jenny Was A Friend of Mine" and "Some Body Told Me". The whole record was pretty good. However, like with almost all records there was some songs that were not so great.
When there shopmore album came out Sams town i was disappointed. It didn't have that feel that Hot Fuss had. It didnt have that almost danceable beat and Brandon Flower's awkward voice was kinda over bearing at times. There was to much synthesizers and the bass was to low. It was an alright recorded, but no where near what Hot Fuss was.
This past Tuesday The Killers new cd came out. It is entitled Day and Age. My first impression was that The Killers were trying to fall back on what they had done on their album. The album as a whole. They brought back that big Las Vegas sound. Cuts like "Losing Touch" invoke a al Andy Summers on guitar, with horns and syths to back it up. It also seems to be about a person who is trying to figure out ones self in the midst on success that can falter at any point. I guess that what is going on the recorded. They back up to what made them popular in the first place: un akward singing, big sound, big songs, and just good soungs. The Killers are trying to find them self and not trying to rile on contemporaries for influence. "Joy Ride" sound like it could have been written in back in the 1970's, it invoked a disco sound to it, with the drums and the saxophone; which they pulled of well. "This is Your Life" seems to start of akward with what sounds like chants made from a radioshack synthesizer. However, it surprised me. It turned into an song that would fit in great to any The Smiths. It is one of my favorit track of the album. In conclusion the cd is worth getting. Way better than anything Solo Axl Rose- Gun's n' Rose-can put out. I highly recommend Day and Age, its a worth while listen.

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